1. Roller Cover
a. 3/8” or 1/2” medium nap, phenolic core, shed-free covers – 9” or 18” wide.
b. 1/4” short nap phenolic core, shed-free covers – 9” or 18” wide.
c. Stainless steel serrated (notched) roller for fiberglass lay ups. Used for rolling the fiberglass reinforcing into the wet base coat resin.
2. Brushes
Use only bristle brushes with all chemical coatings. Do not use nylon or other synthetic brushes.
3. Mixing Equipment
a. Stainless steel Jiffy Mixers – for blending the base and hardener of all two components chemical coatings. (See Jiffy Mixer brochure for most common sizes and model numbers).
b. Porcupine Roller – 9” or 18” – for high build epoxies and polyurethanes. (Helps eliminate entrapped air bubbles created during the mixing of the coating and provides a smoother uniform finish).
c. Serrated (notched) rubber squeegees – 1/8”, 3/16” 1/4” or 1/2” by 18” long. (Used to spread and measure out correct thickness of epoxy self-leveling slurries).
d. Minimum 1/2” or 3/4” spark resistant power drill with variable speed for 450-750 RPM slow speed mixing.
e. Drywall mud mixers – minimum 3/8” diameter stern by 30” long (need a 1/2” chuck or larger to attach the 3/8” diameter stem). Used to mix heavy body epoxy slurries – 1/16” to 1/8” thick and to mix 1/4” or thicker epoxy trowel down floor mortars.
f. Solvent resistant polyethylene spike roller – 7/16” height by 9” wide. Used to release entrapped air in epoxy slurry mixes immediately after the slurry has been applied.
g. Heavy duty aluminum extension pole – allows applicator to reach back into the wet material to roll out any imperfections.
h. Spiked golf shoes – used to walk back on the wet coating or slurry to correct imperfections.
i. Dual magnet surface temperature thermometer (0ºF – 500ºF) to assure proper application temperature.
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